Friday, 3 August 2007

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Phew! It is boiling! Even though The Mole doesn't cope well with heat like this (fur and all - not a good combo), what a welcome change from the last few weeks!

The weather isn't the only thing hotting up either; TheCareerMole member count is growing rapidly - we're now just short of 1000 member in 8 weeks, which is fantastic. Thanks for your support so far; please keep spreading the word amongst your friends, family and colleagues. Everyone benefits from!

Even more exciting; we are also in the process of onboarding a number of employers members on to Since our press launch 8 weeks ago we have been contacted by employers from banks to construction to media companies so watch this space for announcements and new vacancies being posted.

Have a great weekend - lets hope the weather sticks!

The Mole
..Everyone's 'unfair advantage'!

P.S. Don't forget to you've only got 29 days left to tell your friends and enter the Champneys Mole Hunt competition!

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